The cult sneaker trend continues! “the ugly sneakers” as some like to call, are over-sized and bulky, some resemble orthopedic sneakers. Balenciaga was the trendsetter for this style, now many of our favorite designers decided to follow. I must admit, the trend is not for everyone, for those of us who did no relinquish to that style, there are many other options to choose from—the sneaker trend is still at its high, so give your feet a rest and allow yourself to be and feel comfortable.
Mules are also dominating the trend wagon, with or without heels; the mule trend is not going anywhere, anytime soon. From comfy loafer styles to day sandals, or evening high heels, you must pick up a pair.
Another must have for the season are suede booties —they are the perfect trend for those of us who want to plan ahead for fall but want to wear it now. These booties look great with summer dresses and denim shorts. Suede booties will easily transition into fall weather with chunky sweaters or jeans.
On the dressier styles, PVC is a detail that has also been used lately and has stayed for longer than expected. There is nothing tacky or ugly about these shoes; instead, they are extremely chic and wearable.
The Logo mania is a trend that carried over from ready-to-wear into bags and shoes. You can opt for script styles like the Dolce sneakers below or be a bit more subtle with the YSL logo sandals.
There is not much “newness” when it comes to the shoe trends, these styles are summer trends carrying over to fall & winter. Regardless, they are not necessarily classics, so with a blink of an eye these trends will suddenly disappear for a few years. Enjoy it while it lasts!