Our trip to Australia was full of beautiful places to keep in our memories.

From Urulu, we left to Sydney! Sydney is the state capital of New South Wales, it’s the most populous city in Australia, while there I was able to see for the first time the Tasman sea – it ‘s not different from any other sea, according to my kids (laughs). People born in Sydney, are called “Sydneysiders”. Sydney and it’s “Sydneysiders” were established in 1788, as a penal colony. It’s surrounded by one of the world’s largest natural harbours, Port Jackson. Port Jackson is where you will find the iconic Sydney Opera House, and the Harbour Bridge. Sydney offers attractions like national parks, while the coastal regions feature many bays, rivers, inlets and beaches, including the famous Bondi and Manly beach. I particularly love the Zoo, I know about Zoos because  the San Diego Zoo is amongst  some of the best Zoos in the world, but  the Sydney Zoo is also quite impressive.


driferreirasydney-w800The Harbour Bridge

driferreirasydney2-w800 Sydney Opera House 





Display of the animals at the Zoo





Sidney Zoo is one of the best!!

We finished the evening at the Bondi beach


A visit to the Scenic World Blue Mountains will be a complete delight. We started the morning with tea in Leura cafe and stopped at Echo Point, for pictures of the famous Three Sisters. The Blue Mountains is a mountainous region in New South Wales, Australia. It borders Sydney and it is an ideal getaway from the city. It is the territory of the Gundungurra people, who lived there before the arrival of the Europeans. Over there you can also see the world’s steepest railway! after that,we had lunch at the Conservation Hut Cafe and visited the Featherdale Wildlife Park – so thrilling, don’t you think? we ended the day by boarding a cruise, to return to Sydney. Let me show you…

Australia | Sydney & Blue Mountains | Driferreira.comOn our way to Blue Montain

Australia | Sydney & Blue Mountains | Driferreira.com

The Three Sisters 

Australia | Sydney & Blue Mountains | Driferreira.com

Australia | Sydney & Blue Mountains | Driferreira.comScenic World and the World’s steepest railway

Australia | Sydney & Blue Mountains | Driferreira.com

Three Sister and  Scenic World

Australia | Sydney & Blue Mountains

Australia | Sydney & Blue Mountains | Driferreira.com

Australia | Sydney & Blue Mountains | Driferreira.com

Australia | Sydney & Blue Mountains | Driferreira.com

Australia | Sydney & Blue Mountains | Driferreira.comFeatherdale Wildlife Park

And finally on our way up the Parramatta River…

Australia | Sydney & Blue Mountains | Driferreira.com

Australia | Sydney & Blue Mountains | Driferreira.comI would love to go back! 🙂


 Images : Dri Ferreira

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